Selecting the right school is a decision which has to suit the entire family. From Eton College to Wellington College, applying to independent schools in the UK and internationally is a challenge which requires a measured, organised and personalised approach. Inspired by the results of the initial consultation and assessment, our academic advisors utilise their knowledge and connections within independent schools to create fine-tuned recommendations for each family we work with.
Successfully gaining entry to independent day or boarding schools in the UK or internationally is a rewarding challenge. With entry points at 7+, 8+, 11+, 13+ and 16+, scholarship options and a culture of non-standardised assessment, we deliver a clear voice in a sea of noise. We provide expert professional tutors who are experienced with your target schools, ensuring a 100% success rate for all our students at 7+, 8+, ISEB Pre-test, UKiset, CAT4, 11+ London Consortium, Common Entrance at 11+ and 13+, and 16+. At the interview stage we design mock interviews tailored to each individual school to ensure that every child is fully prepared for a range of interview styles.
Scholarship is reserved for the top students, sportspeople, artists and musicians at independent schools in the UK and internationally. Typically assessed with either the Common Academic Scholarship Exam (CASE), or individual school assessments (e.g. Eton’s King’s Scholarship), prospective academic scholars are put through a rigorous testing process which may involve subjects such as Mathematics, Science, History, English, Geography, Divinity or General Papers, and often a combination of them all. Sport, Art and Music scholars on the other hand, will have had to prove their ability through tests, trials or auditions. Having helped hundreds of students into scholarship places, our tutors are practiced at successfully supporting your child through the scholarship process.